— In Ohio, the Court of Appeals of Ohio affirmed the adjudication of a student for disorderly conduct at his school in violation of provisions of state law. The student used profane language directed at the administrator who, while teaching…
Tag: Texas
Safety Law News for September 17, 2024
— In Colorado, the Colorado Court of Appeals, upheld the adjudication of a student who challenged the search of his backpack, in which educators found “a bag containing a loaded pistol.” An SRO then took over the search. In addition…
Safety Law News for August 26, 2024
— In New York, the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, refused to dismiss a case bought by parents of the child who “was sexually abused by a principal while a student.” The pattern of abuse involved the administrator “repeatedly meeting alone…
Safety Law News for July 25, 2024
— In New York, the Supreme Court, Appellate Division reversed the dismissal of a case bought by parents of student who “was repeatedly sexually abused by a teacher while attending an elementary school.” The parents alleged that the school, “negligently…
Safety Law News for July 2, 2024
— In Massachusetts, the United States Court of Appeals upheld the validity of hate speech provisions in a public school dress code. The issue arose when school district officials enforced the dress code to prevent students in two middle schools…
Safety Law News for March 11, 2024
— In Washington State, the Supreme Court of Washington affirmed that school officials violated the statutory procedural rights of a student by indefinitely suspending him. Administrators expelled the high school student on an emergency basis for violating its “gang contract,”…
Safety Law News for December 11, 2023
— In Illinois, the Appellate Court of Illinois affirmed the ruling of the lower court denying the attempt of a person to obtain his release from detention because of his speech on a high school campus. The person, “went to…
Safety Law News for September 26, 2023
— In Illinois, the United States District Court dismissed a case brought by parents of a middle school student who was searched by the school principal in the presence of police officers and “found no contraband.” School employees reported seeing…
Safety Law News for August 4, 2023
— In California, the United States Court of Appeals held that police did not violate the Fourth Amendment by detaining briefly parents of a student while investigating allegations that their son planned a shooting at his school that day. The…
Safety Law News For July 26, 2023
— In Ohio, the Ohio Court of Appeals ruled that the totality of the circumstances of a juvenile interrogation about a sexual assault supported a conclusion that juvenile was in police custody and thus Miranda warnings were necessary. In reversing…