Tag: Minnesota

Safety Law News for February 28, 2025

— In New York, the New York Supreme Court reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by parents who claimed that educators  “failed to prevent sexual abuse perpetrated by a teacher.”  The teacher in question, “was on ‘probationary’ status” during…

Safety Law News for November 16, 2023

— In New York, the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division ruled that schools can be liable when they fail to provide “an appropriate level of supervision.”  This ruling reversed the lower court that dismissed the lawsuit of a student…

Safety Law News for September 24, 2020

In New York, the Supreme Court of New York, refused to dismiss a case brought by parents of a student who was injured during a recurring game in which students punched each other’s genitals but were never punished by educators. …

Safety Law News for September 8th, 2020

— In Florida, the District Court of Appeal of Florida affirmed the ruling of the lower court that the school resource officer on duty during the campus shooting at Parkland High School was not entitled to immunity.  The court ruled…

Safety Law News for July 21, 2020

— In Pennsylvania, the United States Court of Appeals ruled that educators violated the First Amendment rights of a student who after failing to make the school’s varsity cheerleading team, posted on the Internet the comment, “Fuck school fuck softball…

Safety Law News for June 26, 2020

— In New York,  the Syracuse City School District is discussing police reform.  Police Chief Kenton Buckner has said he’d like to remove police from schools.  Mayor Ben Walsh is open to the idea. — In Colorado, officials in the…

Safety Law News for June 17, 2020

— In Florida, the Osceola County School Board renewed its SRO program with the Kissimmee Police Department, St. Cloud Police Department and the Osceola County School Board for School Resource Officers.  The cost to the school district is roughly $3…

Safety Law News for September 4, 2018

In New York, the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, ruled that educators were not liable to a child who was injured when students were “rough housing” in the hallway, resulting in the victim being grabbed and thrown on his head.  The…

Safety Law News for March 15, 2018

In Minnesota, a proposed Senate bill that would have eliminated state funding for police officers in school districts across the state has been reversed just two hours before the start of its first hearing in front of the Education Policy…

Safety Law News for August 18, 2017

In South Carolina, the school board for Horry County Schools replaced their school resource officer program after a budget struggle with the County Police Department.  Armed security officers hired by U.S. Security Associates will replace the school resource officers. In…