Tag: Georgia

Safety Law News for December 5, 2024

— In Illinois, the Appellate Court of Illinois reversed the judgment of the circuit court and affirmed the decision of a school board to impose a one-year expulsion upon a student for bringing a fake handgun to school.  The decision…

Safety Law News for November 22, 2024

— In Georgia, the Court of Appeals of Georgia ruled that a teacher/high school basketball coach, who was charged with second degree murder after a student died during practice, was not entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution under Georgia School…

Safety Law News for September 17, 2024

— In Colorado, the Colorado Court of Appeals, upheld the adjudication of a student who challenged the search of his backpack, in which educators found “a bag containing a loaded pistol.” An SRO then took over the search. In addition…

Safety Law News for September 10, 2024

— In New York, the United States District Court approved the request of a group of parents suing an elementary-school administrator for “dozens of counts of child abuse,” to add on claims against others as well as the school district…

Safety Law News for October 27, 2023

— In California, the California Court of Appeal denied immunity to a school district for injuries to a student who made her way to school by other means when the school bus “had not arrived for 40 minutes after the…

Safety Law News for July 28, 2023

–  In Arkansas, the United States Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by parents of a special needs child who was injured in school.  The visually impaired child was injured at various times while at school…

Safety Law News for February 16, 2022

In Georgia, the United States District Court, ruled that in the school setting, “bystander liability” for Fourth Amendment violations may be applied to school officials who witness an unreasonably long detention in a school setting.  A high school administrator was…

Safety Law News for February 15, 2021

In Georgia, the United States District Court dismissed a discrimination lawsuit brought by a student who, after being suspended for fighting in school, was handcuffed and restrained by a school resource officer after refusing to remain in the administrative office…