— In Indiana, the Court of Appeals of Indiana reversed a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit brought by parents of a elementary school child who was mistakenly told to walk home from school rather than ride the school bus…
Tag: Florida
Safety Law News for January 19, 2022
— In California, the United States District Court held that the repeated handcuffing of a special education student by educators and police for “acting up” did not merit qualified immunity. The court ruled that immunity, “does not apply to officers…
Safety Law News for December 6, 2021
— In Massachusetts, the United States Court of Appeals ruled that a school did not violate the rights of two students by suspending them for their speech and conduct in bullying their fellow team members on a school-sponsored team. The…
Safety Law News for November 2, 2021
— In Ohio, the Court of Appeals of Ohio, affirmed the lower court ruling that a school was not immune from liability for injuries to students when an experiment in science class caught fire and exploded. The appellate court reasoned…
Safety Law News for April 5, 2021
— In Oregon, the United States District Court certified a class-action lawsuit against the Oregon Department of Education brought by parents of special needs students to challenge a form of blue-slipping school discipline. “Blue-slipping” identifies a widespread practice in which…
Safety Law News for March 2, 2021
In New York, the Supreme Court, Appellate Division reversed the dismissal of a case brought by a student who was assaulted by a fellow student at the end of a class. The court ruled that the lower court dismissal was…
Safety Law News for February 22, 2021
In Florida, the District Court of Appeal of Florida rejected a lawsuit brought by parents to prevent “school guardians” from carrying firearms on school campuses. Florida law requires that every school have “safe school officers,” using either partnerships with law…
Safety Law News for January 15th, 2021
— In Pennsylvania, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, affirmed the adjudicated delinquency of a student for aggravated assault of a teaching staff member. 18 Pa.C.S. § 2705(a)(5). The law protects teachers from students who, “attempt to cause or intentionally or…
Safety Law News for September 2nd, 2020
— In New York, the Massena Central School District is looking for a local law enforcement agency to supply it with a school resource officer. Its contract with the Massena Police Department was not renewed. The department cited potential liability…
Safety Law News for July 17, 2020
— In Florida, the District Court of Appeal of Florida, denied the appeal by one of the unarmed campus monitors on duty February 14, 2018 at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The officer claimed he was…