Tag: drug dogs

Safety Law News for 4/7/14

Colquitt County, Georgia educators and law enforcement conduct campus sweeps for drugs several times each school year, using dogs to check out lockers and cars at the schools. Baltimore County, Maryland officials unveiled a $3.7 million in school security system,…

Safety Law News for 12/17/12

•  Drug detection dogs that have routinely been used in Michigan high schools are being brought into middle schools by administrators who say they want to send a message to the younger students. • District of Columbia schools are being…

Safety Law News for 9/26/12

A federal judge in Minneapolis has refused to dismiss a lawsuit against educators who read through a student’s Facebook and email accounts. A school shooting in Missouri was averted, perhaps minutes before it would have begun, when a student shared…

Safety Law News for 9/17/12

Connecticut educators will not let drug dogs sniff students. They will let the dogs sniff lockers and backpacks when students are not around. After several shootings, including the fatal shooting of a girl, a Connecticut technical school is installing metal…

School Safety Law News for 5/11/12

After three students posted on a “Scumbag Teachers” Tumblr page, San Francisco Unified suspended the students and banned them from graduation and prom. The school overturned its disciplinary decisions after attorneys got involved. Trained drug dogs visit Minnesota high schools…

School Safety Law News for 4/27/12

Indiana ACLU filed a lawsuit against the Griffith Public Schools claiming it violated the teenagers’ First Amendment Rights when it expelled the girls for the comments made on Facebook. As educators increasingly grapple with legal-but-dangerous synthetic marijuana use, a Florida school board…