— In California, the California Court of Appeal affirmed the dismissal of a claim asserted by a student who was injured when a teacher fell on the student while breaking up a fight in which the student was involved. The…
Tag: California
Safety Law News for February 18, 2025
— In California, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that school officials violated a high school student’s procedural due process rights by extending his suspension without informing him of new misconduct. The case involved a “lunchtime fight,” after which “(a)ll…
Safety Law News for December 12, 2024
— In Wisconsin, the United States District Court upheld the search and seizure of contraband in a student’s bag. The case arose out of a report by a PE teacher of the student’s “possession of a vape during an off-campus…
Safety Law News for March 1, 2024
— In Florida, the District Court of Appeal of Florida upheld the adjudication of a juvenile for “written threats to kill or do bodily harm,” in a case involving a social media message. The juvenile posted a violent image on…
Safety Law News for December 18, 2023
— In Tennessee, the United States Court of Appeals affirmed the liability of a school district under Title IX for its deliberate indifference to threats made against a student and her family after she reported student-on-student threats and harassment. The…
Safety Law News for December 13, 2023
— In California, the California Court of Appeal reversed the lower court in an important case involving the sexual abuse of a student by school employees. The lower court dismissed the case, ruling that the school district was not liable…
Safety Law News for December 11, 2023
— In Illinois, the Appellate Court of Illinois affirmed the ruling of the lower court denying the attempt of a person to obtain his release from detention because of his speech on a high school campus. The person, “went to…
Safety Law News for October 27, 2023
— In California, the California Court of Appeal denied immunity to a school district for injuries to a student who made her way to school by other means when the school bus “had not arrived for 40 minutes after the…
Safety Law News for August 4, 2023
— In California, the United States Court of Appeals held that police did not violate the Fourth Amendment by detaining briefly parents of a student while investigating allegations that their son planned a shooting at his school that day. The…
Safety Law News for May 12, 2023
– In California, the California Court of Appeal reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a student who was shot in the head by a gun brought to his seventh grade science class by a fellow student. The lawsuit…