• Philadelphia school system adopt a new code of conduct that gives principals more flexibility in deciding how discipline is meted out to unruly students. • U.S. Attorney collaborates with Washington State educators on cyber safety. • West Virginia school…
Tag: bullying
Safety Law News for 8/20/12
• Nebraska Youth Risk Behavior Survey shows Nebraska high school students are engaging is less risky behavior. • New York parents of filed a federal lawsuit against a school district, alleging educators did not take adequate steps to protect their…
Safety Law News for 8/15/12
Video: outside Boston, a recovery high school focuses on helping suburban kids to quit alcohol and drugs. Among the students who stay in school and stay sober for 90 days, this school enjoys a strong 92 percent graduation rate. A…
Safety Law News for 8/10/12
Marty Wilson, a Kentucky policeman who was honored as his state’s DARE officer of the year, describes how he mentors students away from drug abuse. People in Palm Beach County, Florida want to join Facebook and Twitter—and this is the…
Safety Law News for 8/1/12
A kindergarten teacher ordered twenty-four students to line up and hit a six-year-old boy, who was also one of her students. She said he was a bully and needed to learn a lesson, but she is now on paid administrative…
Safety Law News for 7/30/12
Performance-enhancing Adderall is now a routine drug for students across the nation, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. One student calls it the drug for “good kids,” as many high school students turn to Adderall under the pressure of…
Safety Law News for 7/27/12
A 15-year-old boy may need reconstructive plastic surgery after being attacked at school. His father says that educators knew of other fights in which this student had to defend himself. The principal says that educators would have acted if the…
Safety Law News for 7/24/12
After two student suicides, Florida educators say that they stop bullying in its earliest stages, while families suggest that the schools are actually rife with peer-on-peer harassment. A 17-year-old student says in a formal letter that the day before canine drug…
Safety Law News for 7/9/12
School administrators and a bus driver apparently failed to enforce an anti-bullying law, which would have better protected a fifteen-year-old bullying victim. While facts are dispute, this much is clear: on a day when this student was sexually harassed on…
Safety Law News for 7/2/12
Education Week reports: a diverse coalition including the American Association of School Administrators and the National School Boards Association has endorsed policy guidelines on bullying and free expression. Some students in Lynwood, California will soon be visiting the district’s Alternative…