A school resource officer is credited in resolving an active shooter lockdown at the Jefferson County Learning Center in Alabama. Officials in Jackson County, Mississippi have reached an interagency agreement under which the school district will pay the salaries of…
Tag: Alabama
Safety Law News for 10/31/13
A Fountain County, Indiana man with some mental health issues leads Covington school officials to add two school resource officers. In Volusia County, Florida a high school student thanks school resource officer for stopping him from attacking an assistant principal.…
Safety Law News for 9/23/13
The Texas Legislature has implemented Senate Bill 393 that prevents school police officers from issuing citations for misbehavior at school, excluding traffic violations. Officers can still submit complaints about students, but it will be up to a local prosecutor whether…
Safety Law News for 9/19/13
It appears that no South Dakota school districts will implement a new state law that allows teachers and volunteers to carry firearms in buildings. Gadsden City, Alabama Schools will have school resource officers on every campus because of a long-term…
Safety Law News for 9/13/13
The Benton-Carroll-Salem, Ohio School District is implementing the ALICE program. The ALICE program — the acronym stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate— is a revamped perspective on how students should react if a shooter or dangerous intruder enters their…
Safety Law News for 8/19/13
The Smyth County, Virginia Board of Supervisors accepted a state grant to help fund two more school resource officers for the public schools. One will be assigned a middle school and the other an elementary school. Dowagiac, Michigan Public Schools…
Safety Law News 7/29/13
Educators and school resource officers in Huntsville and Madison County, Alabama schools collaborate to host 150 fifth and sixth graders from Huntsville and Madison County schools for a summer camp that teaches the students the importance of staying away from…
Safety Law News for 7/25/13
The County commissioners of Rowan County, North Carolina reject a request for school resource officers at the county’s middle schools in a “hold-the-line county budget.” Richland, South Carolina school officials believe that school resource officers need to be in all…
Safety Law News for 7/11/13
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine released recommendations from his school-safety task force of law enforcement, educators, mental health officials, firefighters and clergy. The task force called for schools to provide detailed floor plans for law enforcement, and calls on state…