Safety Law News for March 23, 2018

  • In Florida, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office is shifting patrol and staffing assignments in order to increase its presence at Lee County Schools.  It will designate at least 40 additional officers as SROs and shift an additional 100 officers to every county school.


  • In Indiana, the United States District Court, upheld the search of an alternative school student’s car parked off school grounds.  The court reasoned (1) that the physical location of the property in relation to school grounds is but one factor to be considered in measuring reasonable suspicion under T.L.O., and (2) alternative schools have an even greater need to maintain discipline and safety for the protection of students and staff, and create a healthy learning environment, than regular public schools based on the nature of their student population. [Kissinger v. Fort Wayne Community Schools]



  • In Tennessee, the Rhea County School Board, along with the Rhea County Sheriff’s Department, signed a letter addressed to the Rhea County Commission requesting the hiring of four additional school resource officers in order to increase safety at county schools.