- In South Carolina, a Bamberg County Councilman says critics of the SRO program will not silence him or the president of the local Parent Teacher Organization who say they were “appalled” the city was considering eliminating the SRO program, which they believe keep children safe.
- In Wisconsin, officials on the Wauwatosa School Board are opposed to the proposed “right to carry” bill that seeks to allow guns in many places current law now prohibit, including schools.
- In California, a new class, “Law and Social Justice,” is wrapping up its first year at Berkeley High School. Students work closely with police, public defenders, law schools, death penalty reform advocates, and district attorneys to give students a front row seat to the justice system. The SRO and the students say relationships are improving in the school and the community.
- In Alaska, school officials in the Anchorage School District are responding to a spike in teen suicide rates by revising its Crisis Response Team. The expanded network of professionals will be based on the “PREPaRE” model created by the National Association of School Psychologists.