School Safety Law News for 4/13/12

  • One student’s comment about a classmate — “he’d be the type to bring a gun to school” — morphed via social media into rumors of an actual threat. A police investigation cleared the suspect, but both students and parents are harassing the suspect’s family via Facebook. The school has disciplined two students for the rumors.
  • Oklahoma educators, who found a gun at a middle school, say that the school safety credit goes to a student. He had seen a fellow student with the weapon, while in the restroom, and chose to report it.
  • While three Oregon students were suspended for racist tweets against a fellow student, his mother wants an apology from those involved. Other students helped identify the three students who originally wrote the tweets.

School Safety Law News for 4/12/12

  • Racist tweets lead to a police investigation and school reprimands for three football players. Students who created a fake Twitter account for the assistant principal, and wrote crude things online, were punished with suspensions.

School Safety Law News for 4/11/12

  •  Ten days after a student submitted a threatening essay, which detailed how he would conduct a school shooting, the student posted his essay on Facebook. Parents are upset that the school only notified them after the essay went online.
  • Visitors to an Indiana high school now face a double entry barrier: after they are buzzed in, their names are swiftly run through a national sex offenders database.

Brave Students and Timely Tips: Texting Successfully Alerts Educators in Utah

Roy Utah: Utah girl credited with alerting officials over alleged school bombing plot

Via and

An appropriate follow-up to the previous post on anonymous tip lines is this report of a foiled plot to bomb a public school campus a few days ago.  It all began when a student received a text message from one of the suspected bombers that asked, “If I told you to stay home on a certain day, would you?”

And to everyone’s surprise and great relief, the student took the warning to the authorities.  At least three implications emerge from this event:

  1.  Educators become a valuable resource for school safety when they make themselves accessible to students in a manner that minimizes the anxieties of student who wish to approach them.  This is often spoken of as the “goodwill” factor in school safety.  It cannot be minimized.
  2.  Students are imminently capable of making mature decisions about people and situations that require intervention for the greater good of campus safety.  Educators are wise to promote campus safety in a manner that encourages students to take ownership for their role in protecting the campus climate.
  3. The profile of the so-called “rampage student” is inherently unreliable and rather dynamic across the spectrum of students.  Stereotypic thinking about students is as likely to be a catalyst to rage incidents as of angry behavior.  The safest campus is likely to be one in which student concerns and needs are individualized by properly trained educators.

Bullying and Anonymous Tips: Students Texting to Educators as First Alert

McLean Co., KY: McLean Co Schools now using texting to report bullying


Educators are implementing a new kind of anonymous tip line that allows students to send text messages about any issue without giving their names.  The approach shows great promise, because it shortens the time-line from incident to report to investigation.  There will be more developments reported on the texting strategy as legal challenges are raised about the uses to which the information is put by educators.  A few thoughts on this appear below.

The issue of liability, if any, for actions taken based on a tip will turn on concerns about the reliability of the texting tips.  In the informant cases, courts take a hard look at tips that come from questionable sources or have no corroboration.  Many of the rules have been forged outside the education context.  Despite this, the application of the rules to programs like “Crime Stoppers” and “Silent Observer” hotlines has been consistent and useful.

Information provided by an informant can serve as a basis for reasonable suspicion that a student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school.  An anonymous tip can provide reasonable suspicion when it is placed in context with other information or events, so that the “totality of the circumstances” shows that the tip is reliable. (See Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213 (1983)). Such tips will support any search when it is reasonably related to the duty of educators to maintain a safe learning environment and not excessively intrusive.

Overall, the major advantage of the texting tipline is that it allows educators to use their broad supervisory and disciplinary authority to detain a student and investigate a tip without worrying about student rights of any kind.  This “detain and interrogate” authority in the response to an anonymous tip serves well the interest of educators to keep their campus safe.  As one court puts it, “[t]o allow minor students to challenge [such a] decision…as lacking articulable facts supporting reasonable suspicion would make a mockery of school discipline and order.”  (In re Randy G., 26 Cal. 4th 556, 28 P.3d 239, 245 (Cal. 2001)). Another court says of this, “when a school official stops a student to ask a question, it would appear that the student’s liberty has not been restrained over and above the limitations he or she already experiences by attending school”. (J.D. v. State, 920 So. 2d 117, 121 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2006)).  The U.S. Supreme Court has stated, on two occasions, that the reasonable expectation of privacy is reduced in public schools enough to support investigations of this nature without reasonable suspicion of any kind because the interest in maintaining safe schools is “compelling.”  (See Vernonia Sch. Dist. 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995)).  (See also, Board of Education v. Earls, 536 U.S. 822, 843 (2002)).

As to reasonable suspicion, educators can effectively combine anonymous tips with their authority to search a student by remembering the following rules:

  •  a tip from an informant who has provided information in the past, and whose trustworthiness is proven or whose basis of knowledge is known, establishes enough of a factual predicate to meet the reasonable suspicion standard.
  •  the detailed nature of a tip weighs in favor of its accuracy.  A tip that specifies a particular student, in a particular place, at a particular time of day contains predictive information and meets the reasonable suspicion standard.
  •  receiving an informant’s information in-person provides enough elements of reliability” to create reasonable suspicion.
  •  an uncorroborated tip about the presence of weapons or explosives creates an emergency that justifies an immediate search.
  •  a school official can always stops a student to ask a question without worrying about the Fourth Amendment.





Keeping Up with the Transferring Student: The Duty to Share Information

DA Leone: Information Sharing Amongst Schools Vital to Public Safety

Via Arlington Patch

There is understandable frustration by many over the reluctance of educators to understand the new legal climate in which information may be shared to enhance campus safety.

Often the reluctance to consider how student record information might be used more effectively is based on a misconception of federal law.  The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USC § 1232 and regulations at 34 CFR Part 99) imposes restrictions on the use of student records without parental consent.  FERPA is applicable to public and private schools that accept federal educational funding.  Since the 1970s, the FERPA rules have been amended by Congress and the USDOE to compliment disclosures of student information that further legitimate education interests.

It is essential that educators understand the new amendments that create both authority and a duty of educators to share information about new students who transfer into a school district with a history of misconduct.

The FERPA reform on this issue was implemented on January 8, 2009.  The new rules were designed to enhance campus safety.

Generally the rules clarify the conditions under which an educational agency or institution may disclose student information from an education record without the prior written consent of the parent. School officials may share information without prior written consent:

  • To other school officials, including teachers, within the school or school district. 34 CFR 99.31(a)(1);
  • To officials of another school, school system, or postsecondary institution where the student seeks or intends to enroll. 34 CFR 99.34; and
  • To teachers and school officials in other schools when the information concerns disciplinary action taken against the student for conduct. 34 CFR 99.36.

The most important amendment to the FERPA rules may be the change to the definition of “emergency.”   Under the emergency exception, educators may disclose to parents information that is deemed necessary to both place the community on notice and to enlist its aid in keeping students safe.  School officials under the new rules have the power to determine an emergency for themselves:

If an educational agency or institution determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individual, it may disclose the information to any person, including parents, whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. CFR § 99.36