Safety Law News for 2/4/13

• Milford, CT Mayor favors the SRO model “where the police officers set an example for the students and they act as more of a counselor,” and pledges to provide school resource officers to schools.

• Woodstock, VA school resource officer says the most important part of the job is building trust and relationships with the school’s students.

• Newtown school board votes unanimously for more cops in schools.  Newtown PTA votes unanimously to request two resource officers for every school.

 Colorado State Senator Steve King introduces legislation that would include school resource officers as community partners in the Colorado Safe Schools Act.


Safety Law News for 1/30/13

  •  Charter schools in Florida decide that, high price or not, the full-time school resource officers will be part of their daily staff.

Safety Law News for 1/28/13

• Four Tennessee counties rush to add school resource officers to elementary schools.

• Idaho school district begin installing gun safes inside each of the high schools and middle schools. School resource officers would keep semi-automatic rifles inside the safes in case of an emergency.

• Georgia State Representative proposes legislation that would allow students to carry guns on college campuses throughout the state.

• Texas legislators introduce legislation that would prohibit the use of high-tech student badges (RFID technology) now used to track students.  The proposal would allow parents to opt out of a tracking program.

Safety Law News for 1/25/13

• Going against a recommendation by schools Superintendent, a Maryland Board of Education votes to use state funding to pay for school security personnel and equipment, along with mental health services.

• Tennessee teachers Union does not want teachers armed in schools and opposes legislation being considered by state legislature.

 Florida officials consider using retired cops to provide school safety schools while saving money.

•  U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer introduced legislation to strengthen and expand the existing COPS Secure Our Schools grants program to provide schools with more resources.

Safety Law News for 1/22/13

• Parents in Minnesota meet to discuss how to get the School District to consider upgrades to security in the public schools.

• Pennsylvania legislature introduces School Resource Officer Bill 196, which calls for funding for school resource officers in state public schools.

• Alaska legislature considering bill that would allow teachers and other staff members to be armed with guns.

• A non-profit firearms foundation has signed up more than 600 educators from more than a dozen states to receive firearms training.

Safety Law News for 1/16/13

• The Lafayette, Louisiana school system and Police Department have made adjustments to the use of school resource officers following the rape of a student on campus.

• Local New Hampshire citizens prepare to vote to bring back school resource officers removed by the school board.

• Winston-Salem schools report a major reduction in student suspensions using new disciplinary program that actively involves school resource officers and school administrators.

• Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is asking lawmakers to hold off on spending more than $32 million in unappropriated money until after his new school safety task force makes its initial recommendations.