Safety Law News for February 3, 2015

  • In Houston, Texas, students at Jack Yates Senior High School say their campus is not safe and felt compelled to do something. So they staged a walkout to emphasize their request for two additional police officers on the campus.
  • In Indiana, the South Bend school board’s safety committee recommended that the practice of student ticketing continue. The biggest disruption in the schools is physical violence. This recommendation affirms an earlier conclusion reached by the committee that the citations are an effective deterrent.

Safety Law for January 27, 2015

  • McDowell County, North Carolina school resource officers have created a new program to educate elementary school students on how to handle the problems that plague youngsters in today’s society. The program is called TIM – Teaching students lifesaving lessons, Improving their quality of life, and Maintaining a safe learning environment.

Safety Law News for January 22, 2015

  • The Snohomish, Washington School District has revised its school safety plan after the fatal shootings last year. It has developed close relationships with police, fire, and health agencies, as well as local FEMA around seven (7) key safety strategies.
  • $45 million dollars has been received by the officials of Newtown, Connecticut after the Sandy Hook rampage. A report has been issued on how the money is being spent.

Safety Law News for January 16, 2015

  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled that use of twist-lock by an SRO to arrest a nine-year-old student who was accused of stealing school property did not violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition of excessive force. [Hawker v. Sandy City, No. 13–4139 (10th Cir. Dec. 5, 2014)
  • The U.S. District Court in New Mexico ruled that a school resource officer had probable cause to arrest a disabled student for battery of a fellow student and a teacher.  The SRO did not have duty to investigate whether student’s disability rendered her incapable of forming requisite intent for battery of school employee before arresting her.  [J.H. ex rel. J.P. v. Bernalillo County]. 
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled that a public high school student’s suspension and transfer as discipline for his off-campus Internet posting of a vulgar rap song that criticized two named male athletic coaches was a violation of his freedom of speech under the First Amendment.  [Bell v. Itawamba County School Bd.]
  • The U.S. District Court in Louisiana ruled that an SRO should have known that it is unlawful excessive force to slam a student into walls when the student is not resisting arrest, attempting to escape, or otherwise posing a threat at the time of the seizure. [Curran v. Aleshire].

Safety Law News for January 13, 2015

  • In Massachusetts, officials in Danvers are implementing a new lockdown plan. Called the Enhanced Lockdown plan, it will allow staff, faculty, and students to use common sense in a crisis.

Safety Law News for January 5, 2015

  • School resource officers in Longview, Texas, are beginning to train the “Kid Escape” program to students with the goal of teaching children abduction prevention techniques.