Safety Law News for March 16, 2015

  • New York City officials have revised school policy on suspensions. The new policy includes adding oversight of principals’ decision to suspend students. However, the city kept its longstanding policy to suspend students for one to five days for “defying or disobeying the lawful authority or directive of school personnel or school safety agents.”

Safety Law News for March 10, 2015

  • In Richmond, Virginia, officials have declared Martin Luther King Middle School a hostile environment for teachers. Last year the school had 1635 disorderly or disruptive behavior offenses. Lack of order and discipline are said by one volunteer to be the causes.  Of the 40 schools in the district, the school was responsible for 32.6% of the offenses.

Safety Law News for March 5, 2015

  • The Connecticut legislature has introduced legislation that will require local and regional boards of education to enter into memorandum of understanding with law enforcement agencies concerning the use of law enforcement personnel as school resource officers in schools. The legislation requires annual data gathering on school suspensions, out of school suspensions and expulsions, and school based arrests by school, race, ethnicity, gender, age, students with disabilities and type of offense.

Safety Law News for February 20, 2015

  • In North Carolina, an annual study consistently finds that wealthier counties are able to spend more on the needs of schools because of the manner in which the state distributes funding.  The study concludes that students living in poorer counties will have lower levels of investment in their schools than students living in the wealthier counties.

Safety Law News for February 17, 2015

  • In Charleston, West Virginia, a high school principal has been suspended and charged with a crime for failing to notify police immediately to report an alleged sexual assault at his school.
  • In Virginia, an Isle of Wight school resource officer has been charged with sexual battery and indecent liberties with a minor after a high school student complained he touched her inappropriately.

Safety Law News for February 10, 2015

  • In Arizona, a recent study found that more than 80 percent of playgrounds in Tucson’s largest school district have dangerous conditions. This comes after the school district’s settlement offer to pay $175,000 to the family of a student injured at school, as well as another pending case involving a traumatic brain injury from another a playground accident.