Category: Uncategorized

Safety Law News for March 29, 2016

In Minnesota, a Minnesota company has invented a handgun that folds up to look just like a smartphone.  In locked position, the .380-caliber plastic pistol with a metal core can be discreetly slipped into pockets, like a real phone. In…

Safety Law News for March 23, 2016

In Utah, police in Salt Lake City settle a lawsuit over “gang-profiling” on public school campuses. In Tennessee, the House of Representatives approved and moved along legislation allowing teachers and staff to carry guns at school for self-defense. In North…

Safety Law News for March 8, 2016

In New York, the number of violent incidents on school campuses increased  by nearly 23 percent last year — reaching the highest level in at least a decade.  That includes a 40.4 percent increase in the number of assaults with…

Safety Law News for March 4, 2016

In Alabama, the Huntsville City School District is implementing a district-wide social media monitoring program.  School officials will monitor students’ social media posts and, if necessary, discipline students for the content of the posts. In Pennsylvania, the Hazleton Area School…

Safety Law News for March 1, 2016

In Virginia, the legislature is considering HB 487 that if enacted would relieve school resource officers of the duty to enforce school board rules and codes of student conduct.   The House easily passed a bill 95-2.  It now awaits consideration…

Safety Law News for February 24, 2016

In Washington State, the schools in the Tri-Cities area of Pasco, Richland and Kennewick, report significantly fewer weapons on campus.  The good news is attributed to two things: the good presence of community oriented policing and utilizing a good security…

Safety Law News for February 19, 2016

In Wyoming, legislation has been introduced that would restrict school districts’ access to student data, particularly online social media accounts or emails. If enacted, the law would prohibit school or district employees from compelling a student to provide their username…

Safety Law News for February 2, 2016

In New Jersey, legislation has been introduced that creates “Class Three” special police officers designated to provide security at both public and private schools and community colleges. The position would be open to police officers under the age of 65…

Safety Law News for January 26, 2016

In South Carolina, proposed legislation would create “School Protection Officers,” who would be teachers, administrators or any other school employees who would be allowed to carry guns or pepper spray at school. [House Bill 4716] In Utah, officials launched the…

Safety Law News for January 22, 2016

In Michigan, officials in the Grand Rapids Public Schools turn down a $1 million grant in implement a school resource officer program. Parents and other community leaders said they weren’t comfortable having police officers inside the schools after national incidents…