Author: Bernie James

Safety Law News for May 3, 2017

In Kentucky, the Kentucky Center for School Safety released a report that compiles committed crimes in schools in the state.  Less than one percent of students at public schools in Kentucky committed crimes.  The number one violation for students was…

Safety Law News for April 25, 2017

In Minnesota, officials in the Savage Public Schools are revising their school safety plan.  The new plan eliminates all officers with a new administrative position called the dean of students.  The superintendent believes “ultimately, the focus of a School Resource…

Safety Law News for April 18, 2017

In Massachusetts, the Springfield Public Schools have combined restorative justice principles with the “triad” concept of school-based policing to reduce arrests and suspensions.   Arrests have declined 70 percent over a five-year period.  Suspensions — in school and out of school…

Safety Law News for April 13, 2017

In North Carolina, House Bill 612 would authorize local schools boards to offer a comprehensive firearm education course as a high school elective. The course would be developed by the State Board of Education and would incorporate gun safety education…

Safety Law News for April 10, 2017

In Tennessee, the director of Murfreesboro City Schools has asked the Murfreesboro City Council to expand the school resource officer program. Dr. Linda Gilbert says, “we would love to have one in every school…we have found them absolutely invaluable to…

Safety Law News for April 5, 2017

In North Carolina, the Durham school board is considering changing rules for sharing information with law enforcement officers to avoid deportations of students who may be in the country illegally. In Maryland, the sexual assault in Rockville of a 14-year-old…

Safety Law News for March 30, 2017

In North Dakota, the Senate rejected a proposal that would allow trained staff members to carry concealed firearms in schools. In Missouri, educators and police are discussing a more proactive approach to combat the escalating number of threats against campuses…

Safety Law News for March 24, 2017

In Minnesota, Ramsey County officials continue to wrestle with its efforts to implement a restorative justice policy in the schools.  A task force convened to study school safety and issued a report with two conflicting trends. Students of color continue…

Safety Law News for March 14, 2017

In California, the California Court of Appeal ruled that new state law allows juvenile courts to seal all juvenile court records, including school records, when the child completes a diversion program.  The new restorative justice policy, [Welfare and Institutions Code…

Safety Law News for March 9, 2017

In Alabama, the Colbert County Schools Superintendent is working with the sheriff to get school resource officers in the schools.  “It’s imperative that we move quickly and swiftly to get these resource officers in place so that our kids as…