In Florida, the Florida District Court of Appeal applied the exigent circumstances exception to affirm the conviction of a shooter who seriously injured a student by firing several bullets towards a bus stop near an elementary school. Evidence used in…
Author: Bernie James
Safety Law News for January 25, 2018
In California, the Court of Appeal held that for purposes of Fourth Amendment analysis, “school officials,” include police officers who are assigned to high schools as resource officers as well as the backup officers who are called to assist them.…
Safety Law News for January 19, 2018
In Illinois, the Illinois Court of Appeals upheld the power of the juvenile court to expand conditions of probation for an adjudicated delinquent minor to include the removal of any references to gangs, guns, or drugs on the minor’s social…
Safety Law News for January 17, 2018
In Tennessee, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, juvenile court officials, judges, and district attorneys are reacting to the Report by the Blue-Ribbon Task Force on Juvenile Justice. The Report calls for a major overhaul in the juvenile justice system. Included…
Safety Law News for January 11, 2018
In Ottawa, Canada, Carleton University researchers have released an extensive two-year study of a local School Resource Officer (SRO) program. The research is based on a survey of nearly 1,300 Grade 9 students and 100 interviews with SROs, their bosses,…
Safety Law News for January 3, 2018
In Arizona, human trafficking of children is increasing rapidly. The Arizona Human Trafficking Council says that online devices, games, and applications are the gateway to human trafficking. The Council has instituted several programs to protect child victims from exploitation, including…
Safety Law News for December 19, 2017
In New York, the Grand Island School Board voted 5-1 to support a plan to use two part-time school resource officers rather than create a new full-time special police officer. The approval came despite objections from the current superintendent and a…
Safety Law News for December 15, 2017
In New Mexico, Las Cruces officials disagree over how to respond to active shooter situations. For now, the plan is to lock down the school, evacuate if necessary, and then fight in self-defense. In Wisconsin, school resource officers in the…
Safety Law News for December 13, 2017
In California, the Vallejo school board agreed to a contract with the City of Vallejo to extend and expand the school resource officer program. The educators stated that the district has been happy with the performance of the SROs. However,…
Safety Law News for December 6, 2017
In Pennsylvania, the governor announced the award of $5 million in Safe Schools Initiative Targeted Grants to nearly 140 schools, police departments, and municipalities across the state. The $5 million is mostly split between two pots, one directed at equipment and…