Tag: pepper spray

Safety Law News for June 22, 2015

A new study from the University of California concludes that increased school safety and school connectedness are linked to greater achievement in school and lower rates of truancy, particularly in high-poverty schools. In Mississippi, the Tupelo School District’s 18 school…

Safety Law News for June 22, 2015

A new study from the University of California concludes that increased school safety and school connectedness are linked to greater achievement in school and lower rates of truancy, particularly in high-poverty schools. In Mississippi, the Tupelo School District’s 18 school…

Safety Law News for 12/9/14

The Alabama State Department of Education has released the 2013 Annual School Incident Report.  The report contains big data on student misconduct for all schools in the state. The school superintendent in Boston, Massachusetts has vetoed a plan to equip…

Safety Law News for 12/13/13

A report by the Pennsylvania House Select Committee for School Safety concludes school safety could be improved if teachers wear wireless pendants so they can signal trouble, retired police officers are hired to screen visitors at entrances and students have…

Safety Law News for 3/15/13

• Brimfield Township, Ohio school resource officers are proactively taking steps to keep students safer and calmer in an emergency by spearheading a campaign called “Go Bucket.” • Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot crossed political party lines to announce backing legislation…

Safety Law News for 10/29/12

When a Los Angeles Unified SRO was unable to break up a hallway brawl and rescue a fallen student, he released pepper spray into the crowd of about 50 students. An Illinois mother is suing her son’s school for strip…

Safety Law News for 9/7/12

Missouri educators respond to fight videos posted online by their students. A lawsuit against Birmingham Police Department, for using pepper spray in schools, is now a class action lawsuit. The Ohio teenager who was charged with inducing panic, because of…