Tag: cyberbullying

School Safety Law News for 5/14/12

Texas students claim that a riot broke out on campus — and they posted videos and pictures, taken with their cell phones, online. Educators claim that students created a prank riot and are giving the wrong impression via social media.…

School Safety Law News for 5/11/12

After three students posted on a “Scumbag Teachers” Tumblr page, San Francisco Unified suspended the students and banned them from graduation and prom. The school overturned its disciplinary decisions after attorneys got involved. Trained drug dogs visit Minnesota high schools…

School Safety Law News for 4/26/12

A school is not liable for the sexual assault of a nine-year-old girl, even though the man who harmed her checked her out of school six different times without authorization, according to a ruling by the full Fifth Circuit Court…

School Safety Law News for 4/23/12

One year after New Jersey passed its tougher anti-bullying law, educators discuss why the law is challenging to carry out, in addition to describing the benefits they see. TIME reports on the Maryland student who posted a plea for help…

School Safety Law News for 4/18/12

California police and educators “don’t care to tolerate any kind of weapons on campus,” whether real or fake, and are reinforcing this message after a seventh grade girl brought a BB gun to school. She discussed using it to hurt…

School Safety Law News for 4/16/12

 A Maryland high school principal is trying to balance student protests—which call for smaller class sizes, higher teacher wages, increased student involvement in education policymaking, and more—with the need to provide campus safety. Cyberbullying is now illegal in Erie County,…